Le lundi 11 janvier 2010 à 16:17 +0200, Martin Paljak a écrit :
> Definitely not. You might find glitches and shortcomings with
> pkcs11-tool but that would just benefit OpenSC as we could see the
> problems and fix them.

Sorry to insist, but from a user point of view, what is the difference
between pkcs11-tool and pkcs15-tool and related tools? Why is there two
sets of tools for the same features? How do I know which tool to use?

I guess the wiki should only inform about pkcs15 related tools, right?

> If you have a full test suite (you can provide the commands you issued
> and the key files you have) I can try it with an epass3000 token
> (which should work with the same driver and have the same chip inside)
> and see if/how/why it fails for me.

I will first publish a page with certificates and will get back to you.


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