On 11.01.2010, at 17:28, Jean-Michel Pouré wrote:
> Le lundi 11 janvier 2010 à 16:17 +0200, Martin Paljak a écrit :
>> Definitely not. You might find glitches and shortcomings with
>> pkcs11-tool but that would just benefit OpenSC as we could see the
>> problems and fix them.
> Sorry to insist, but from a user point of view, what is the difference
> between pkcs11-tool and pkcs15-tool and related tools? Why is there two
> sets of tools for the same features? How do I know which tool to use?
PKCS#11 is a generic cryptographic device interface, implemented by OpenSC and 
by several other (hardware) vendors. pkcs11-tool can work with any of those 
PKCS#11 modules (unless there are bugs that prevent intended usage in either 
pkcs11-tool or the specific pkcs#11 module)

pkcs15-tool is a low(er) level OpenSC tool that interacts directly with OpenSC 
internals (libopensc) to create (or read) necessary objects on the card. 
pkcs15-init writes objects on the card, pkcs15-tool reads them. OpenSC PKCS#11 
module provides, in theory, similar functionality as pkcs15-init (to write 
thing to the card) or pkcs15-tool and pkcs15-crypt (to read things from the 
card or do crypto operations with keys on the card) but instead of a command 
line interface, PKCS#11 API for other programs to use is exposed.

Hope this helps. I think there are sections in the wiki that describe the 
situation, I believe this needs to be made more clear (as it often causes 
> I guess the wiki should only inform about pkcs15 related tools, right?
Yes and no. In theory, it would be nice if OpenSC PKCS#11 module would allow to 
do all operations that are possible via lower level pkcs15-init. But 
pcks15-init could be more flexible in some circumstances.

Martin Paljak

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