a few comments from my side:
* please change all debug strings to english :)
* "opensccm" is a big cryptik, what about "cardmodule" or so?
  (if it is in the opensc source code, we know it relates to opensc,
  so no need to put "opensc" in the name)
* I guess opensccm.c uses some template from microsoft?
  please document in the file header to give credit where due.
  Using a template of a published API for your own code is fine
  I guess - no copyright/license issue here. Unless of course
  the template had a copyright header/license attached that
  says otherwise.
* some comments in the code wouln't hurt :)
  for example why the special handling for winlogon?
  and how does it work in general: is there a central process
  loading this module (and apps talking to it with rpc)?
  or will each app load the module again (thus possible
  conflicts with more than one app using smart cards)?
* the key handling: IIRC opensc can tell you what keys
  a card supports, maybe that would be more accurate than
  claiming those fixed key sizes

if you want to rename the file, that would be best done
before a commit. but all other changes are not important
enough, so you could commit the code as is from my point of

a wiki page with more details would be real nice once the
code is commited :)

Regards, Andreas
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