Before you can download the CNG SDG you need a
account, and sell your soul to microsoft or something like that.
Mickey Mouse seems to have done that.

inside the SDK there is only cardmod.h, but no example code
for writing a cardmod or anything like that. So I guess  
François wrote everything from scratch.

cut&pasting single function headers is fine, no copyright
on them (too small, and see the exceptions in european copyright
law for compatibility). Also full documentation of the interface
is available with no strings attached, and implementing the
interfaces and structures from such documentation is classic
reverse engineering and thus legal AFAIK.

The license.rtf covers the whole CNG SDK. It allowes to
redistribute some files, but cardmod.h is not one of them.
thus everyone compiling opensc with cardmod support will need
to download/license the CNG SDK himself.

In my opinion, using a plattform header file doesn't taint
the software using it, thus the binaries are under LGPL
only (no influence via the header file from microsoft).

so unless some new unknown template file was used for the
driver, I think we are fine copyright wise and can accept
the patch without issues.

btw: microsoft tells me about cardmod.h:
The native card module interface is defined in cardmod.h, which is included in 
current Windows Vista releases of the Platform SDK.
so maybe people won't need the CNG SDK.

Regards, Andreas
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