On Feb 3, 2010, at 12:02 , Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 03 Februar 2010 10:37:37 schrieb François Leblanc:
>>> if you used some sample minicard driver template,
>>> we would need to mention that and have a look at
>>> its license. but the cng sdk contains nothing
>>> like that. if you used no template file, then
>>> there is absolutely no problem, nothing to document
>> No I don't use sample code from cng sdk but the documentation
>> of minidriver available on the net.
> great, that way the current patch is perfectly fine
> from my point of view (I am not a lawyer etc.).

Things to think about:

- Will it be part of OpenSC (a cross-platform smart card library) or a platform 
specific plugin?
- If yes, do we package it with opensc-x.x.x.tar.gz?
- If we include a windows minidriver in libopensc tarball, so should the tokend 
be. Neither can be built or used on other platforms.
- I don't like the reader-pcsc.c contents at all. The same problem has been 
addressed before, with different approaches, see 
 for alternative example.

I applied the patch, what can I do with it on a Linux machine?

Martin Paljak

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