Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> I'd prefer a software with user registration/email verification
> these days

I don't know why email verification isn't working in the Trac, but it works well in some Tracs I run. :\

Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> how should that documentation be written and maintained, if you
> implement your plan with the new trac/wiki?

One idea is to have $projectname/$pagename wiki pages in a single
Trac. Then you can also search all of them at once. :)

Martin Paljak wrote:
> > so if people file a ticket in "opensc" trac for "libp11" component,
> > with a bogus version, as they cannot select the libp11 versoin, that
> > will be easier than doing the same thing in the "libp11" trac?
> Uh. There's no versioning information set for libp11.

I think this is a good point by Andreas. I think the version
information can be helpful.

> I know it feels a bit awkward maybe, but versions can also be
> recorded in keywords.

True, but it's *a lot* nicer to have a dedicated, clearly labelled,
field for it. Then it might actually be filled out correctly

> In real life a bug with some version of open source software is
> replied with: Did you try with the latest version? Did the problem
> go away? Yes - problem solved and nobody cares about the version
> (as the default answer is always "it is fixed in latest version")
> No: version does not matter, as the bug is probably present up to
> the latest version.

This is true as far as the developers in the project are concerned,
but it is a nice service for the packagers and users to have accurate
information about which bugs were fixed in which version.

Maybe someone can't upgrade right now for whatever reason and need to
know about some particular bug.

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