On Mar 11, 2010, at 09:35 , Peter Stuge wrote:
> Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
>> I'd prefer a software with user registration/email verification
>> these days
> I don't know why email verification isn't working in the
> opensc-project.org Trac, but it works well in some Tracs I run. :\
It worked for me, but required a fresh session to be finally accepted as a 
verified e-mail. Needs investigation.

> Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
>> how should that documentation be written and maintained, if you
>> implement your plan with the new trac/wiki?
> One idea is to have $projectname/$pagename wiki pages in a single
> Trac. Then you can also search all of them at once. :)
That's exactly what I had in mind.

> Martin Paljak wrote:
>>> so if people file a ticket in "opensc" trac for "libp11" component,
>>> with a bogus version, as they cannot select the libp11 versoin, that
>>> will be easier than doing the same thing in the "libp11" trac?
>> Uh. There's no versioning information set for libp11.
> I think this is a good point by Andreas. I think the version
> information can be helpful.
Of course. The questions is how and where this information is kept in such a 
combined situation.

For example, tags have already been used by people to add extra information to 
tickets. (see the Tags tab on trac)

> I know it feels a bit awkward maybe, but versions can also be
>> recorded in keywords.
> True, but it's *a lot* nicer to have a dedicated, clearly labelled,
> field for it. Then it might actually be filled out correctly
> sometimes.
True. Version tag can be constructed like libp11_1.2.3 for example. I don't 
think that a long list of ancient versions for a package serves any purpose (as 
there currently is). 

Maybe there's a plugin for a "component versions" or "versioned components" 
needs as well.

> In real life a bug with some version of open source software is
>> replied with: Did you try with the latest version? Did the problem
>> go away? Yes - problem solved and nobody cares about the version
>> (as the default answer is always "it is fixed in latest version")
>> No: version does not matter, as the bug is probably present up to
>> the latest version.
> This is true as far as the developers in the project are concerned,
> but it is a nice service for the packagers and users to have accurate
> information about which bugs were fixed in which version.
> Maybe someone can't upgrade right now for whatever reason and need to
> know about some particular bug.
True. This can be achieved by 
a) known issues list for a release and/or
b) list of fixed bugs for succeeding releases.
This information is not lost.

Martin Paljak

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