Rolling your own USB device classes isn't completely
without issues as this bright young man describes it:


Peter Stuge wrote:
> Anders Rundgren wrote:
>>>> There is no such thing as talking directly to USB if you want
>>>> your stuff to run in an ordinary computer
>>> Hm - what do you mean?
>> I took it for granted (maybe incorrect) that the operating
>> system, libusb, or whatever is running the show assumes that
>> all connected USB devices implement one or more known
>> USB classes.
> It is perfectly legal for a USB device to use the "vendor specific"
> device and interface classes.
> Then there is no driver in the operating system to interfere with
> communications, and the full feature set of USB is at the disposal
> of the firmware and host software developers.
> This is by far the most flexible way to create USB devices.
> Now, if there exists a USB device class that perfectly fits the
> purpose of the device, then that is absolutely the way to go!
> But then it must really be a perfect fit. It's a horrible idea to
> abuse the HID device class for non-HID devices. They are super easy
> to access in Windows but a big mess on all other systems.
> Vendor specific is neutral and equally easy everywhere.
>> Naturally you can (as you have suggested) defining you own
>> classes but that is a little bit more convoluted than just
>> exercising the pins on the USB.  In fact to do it right way
>> you must pay a hefty fee to USB.ORG to make it official.
> Vendor specific is defined as 0xff for the class and interface class
> identifiers. This is distinct from implementing a new standard class,
> which would indeed require lots of politics, effort and money with
> Vendor specific is the equivalent of private IP addresses. You can do
> whatever you want, noone else will interfere, but you will also not
> be reachable through any standard operating system interface, but
> e.g. using libusb will work just fine, across WinMacLinuxFBSDSolaris.
>> Is there any particular drawback of reusing CCID?  As far as
>> I can tell it doesn't tell how your APDUs should look like.
> But it still uses APDUs and thus it still needs the middleware.
> With USB/PKCS11 the PKCS#11 provider would use libusb to communicate
> directly with the hardware. (The OS is in between, but no other files
> than the p11 would need to be installed.) Device driver replaces the
> middleware.
> For compatibility it could certainly make sense to implement CCID
> in parallel, so that either CCID or USB/PKCS11, or both, can be used
> to access objects in the token.
> //Peter
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