2010/12/12 Andre Zepezauer <andre.zepeza...@student.uni-halle.de>:
> On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 11:13 +0100, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
>> hmm. for details on using ccid readers ludovic knows this stuff
>> much better than I do.
>> for some other readers, I remember one token where the chip card
>> inside has a maxIFSCD of 255 in the atr, so we could send quite
>> big t=1 frames. but the reader chip in that token would only work
>> with smaller commands.
>> not sure if I could work around that in openct, or needed opensc
>> to generate smaller apdus in the first place.
>> but stuff like this might happen all the time - most tokens are sold
>> as solution with chip/reader/token device plus software as a bundle,
>> so any alternative software like opensc is exploring unknown seas
>> and might find bugs...
>> so in general I think it would be good to have a few knobs to tweak,
>> preferable without recompiling, if we run into problems with some
>> tokens.
> Then the question is: where is the right place for such tweaks. Our
> current approach would translate to a configuration option in a
> web-browser, that limits the size of web-pages. And of cause all the
> other network applications must be configured separately in similar way.
> Fortunately that's not the case.
> So it's better to have a common place for such tweaks. In the smart card
> world this should be preferable the read driver. Applications should
> only care about capabilities of cards. Especially support for extended
> APDU and chaining. How these APDU:s are transmitted is left to the read
> driver. Additionally the driver has better knowledge of readers and
> therefore is able to implement more advanced tweaks.

Your solution can't work.
The driver cannot split a long APDU into two smaller ones. So the
application has to know the maximum size and generate correct APDU.

A few years ago I proposed a solution [1] for the application to know
the maximum usable size using SCARD_ATTR_MAXINPUT [2]. But this is not
PC/SC standard. I proposed something similar to the PC/SC workgroup. I
don't know yet if the idea has been accepted.


[2] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pcsclite/trunk/Drivers/ccid/SCARDGETATTRIB.txt

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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