Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
> > ******** sells single pki cards starting at ****€
> > (10 cost **** each). jcop dual interface starting at 1***€.
> At GOOZE we are waiting for plenty of new products and we make very
> nice offers.
> I would like to make confirm: can we use the OpenSC mailing list to
> announce special offers. For example, we may offer a discount code
> to OpenSC members.
> Please make an announcement to make sure what is possible on the ML.
> IMHO, this was forbidden, thus we never offered such possibility.

I think it is important to make room also for businesses and vendors
who offer products and services related to open source projects.

But maybe there is a better place than the opensc-devel@ list?

In some projects there is e.g. a wiki page listing related companies
and what they offer. I think it is very valuable for open source
projects to encourage businesses to be visible within the project.
It brings benefits to both parties.

I agree that it is not really good to use the project mailing lists
as a direct marketing channel, e.g. for sending a monthly newsletter
or similar.

But something like your signature is certainly OK, and it's a really
good way to get a marketing "side benefit" whenever you contribute to
the project, as you have done a lot already, by being active on the
mailing list. This is great!

If there would be some special offer e.g. in connection with a new
major release of OpenSC then I think that would be very well received
by everyone. But I guess the key is to not appear as spamming the
list, by sending offers too frequently. I hope others can also offer

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