Le dimanche 27 mai 2012 à 22:26 +0300, Alon Bar-Lev a écrit :
> >> I, personally, for (3), providing a great service and
> responsiveness
> >> while perfecting the code as 2nd priority (exception are
> interfaces).
> >> I think this approach was taken at opensc in the past.

My definition for quality is that:

* Quality is a circle:
Quality works as a circle from the developers to a small group of beta
testers to the public at large. For one developer, there are 10 people
providing patches, 50 beta testers and 10.000 users at large.

Quality arises from the ability to work in circle and get better:
=> publish first version of code, debug, find errors, provide patches,
test and apply patches. Publish second version of code ...

* Speed is quality
As this is circle, speed is important. Not developing speed, but the
speed of the circle at large. In the case of OpenSC, there are dozens of
patches waiting. So not applying them is breaking the quality circle and
killing the project. 

* Developers v.s. core developers
The notion of core-developer is simple: it is someone with (1) technical
skills and (2) communications skills who (3) is trusted by the community
and (4) acts for the sake of the project (5) without asking for money or
selling services (directly) linked to commits. In my opinion, Alon falls
in this category and should be an OpenSC code developer. But there are
many others as well.

By the way, I have been working all day long on the QA farm and it is
now accessible. I will post on a separate thread. It is very simple and
needs some improvement. With the help of the community.

What I suggest is that OpenSC should be hosted on GIThub with write
access to core developers (at least 5/6 people). This is more or less
the proposal of Martin.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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