On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:

> Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
> > What I suggest is that OpenSC should be hosted on GIThub with write
> > access to core developers (at least 5/6 people).
> Insisting on changing some hosting situation that has been set up is
> nothing but obnoxious protesting and spitting on the already
> established hosting.

Peter, probably it useless, but may I bring once more to your attention the
that github is set into the center for Development Policy by Martin himself.
Look onto the diagram in
https://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/DevelopmentPolicy .

Centering development around github.com brings no benefits whatsoever
> over opensc-project.org. The latter allows the project to do nice
> integration and customization of all tools. Github not so much.

What integration do you mean? On opensc-project.org the tarball, MSI and
DMG are built.
No RPMs, DEB, no automated tests, ...

'Customization of all tools' -- what tools do you mean ?

Effectively, it would be nice to build and publish Linux packages, connect
automated tests, include other OpenSC sub-projects, ...
But who will do all this on opensc-project.org? Martin have no time, no one
else can/allowed to do something.
Beside the necessity of the perfect commits, can you propose something else?

Kind regards,

> //Peter
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