Hello, merry Christmas,

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Andreas Jellinghaus

> But for those with time on their hands for open source project work:
> can someone summarize the current status of our server migration?
> * source code: now all in git on github, right? Does everyone have
> access who needs?
>   What is the new system, people are asked to push patches to the
> mailing list and someone collects them?
>   Or should people have their own repo, publish patches there and
> someone else pulls them? (more work, maybe not such a good idea)
>   Or do we have an rietveld instance somewhere, so people can push
> changes there (how?) and they get compile-build-tested?

All sources, OpenSC and sub-projects, are in github.

The contributions are passing through the pull-requests.
The pull requests from 'confirmed' contributors are automatically built on
Ubuntu and Windows-Vista (other platforms are coming).
For the other contributors the build of pull request has to be validated by
one of 'admins' .
'Admins' can add contributor to the 'confirmed contributors' list.
The 'admin' operations are accessible through the coded messages in
comments to the pull-request.

Admin can merge pull-request using the github interface,
but, for the sake of linear git's history,
it's preferable to pull the contributor's branch into the local branch,
rebase it if necessary
and push it 'ff-only' to the github's master.

> * mailing lists: no idea what the current status is (i.e. this is a
> test mail). Do we have new lists? Subscribers migrated or invited?
>   Does this old list still work, or should I shut it down?

The mailing lists with the same names are created on SF.
The request to import the 'OpenSC' archive (for a while only OpenSC) is

> * Continuous build: is there a replacement system for the (jenkins?)
> system we have/had on the old server?

https://opensc.fr/jenkins is currently working for OpenSC.
Currently it builds the commits to 'master' and 'staging', 'releases' and
It still needs some efforts/support to build the packages on SuSE and
and to run automatic tests.
There is no slaves to build for MAC.

> * Trac/Wiki/.... -> any progress here? I remember so offerings and
> questions to migrate, but no status update since - maybe I missed it?

We are waiting solution from Peter.

If something will no go as he expects,
the alternative solution is to use the Wiki on github.
Currently all wiki pages of OpenSC are migrated to github.

Sure, the github wiki is not the equivalent substitution to the Wiki&Trac,
but an advantage is that there is no dependence on particular person to get
it running.

* opensc-project.org domain - registered to martin paljak, opensc.org
> reigstered to same unknown person - opensc.com for sale.
>   any chance to move one of the domains to (whom?) someone? or live
> without them?

I have no much experience, but
my guess is if Peter will create a real wiki&trac, he could use this domain
for this service.

If not, I can use this domain for the actual opensc.fr platform.

> Anything else I missed?
> As said, I'd like to retire the server end of year, as it is a very
> old and unmaintained installation.
> Regards, Andreas

Kind regards,
opensc-devel mailing list

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