Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
> >> * Trac/Wiki/.... -> any progress here? I remember so offerings and
> >> questions to migrate, but no status update since - maybe I missed it?
> >
> > We are waiting solution from Peter.
> I don't think we can count on Peter. I had a bad experience on the
> libusb project and waited after Peter for a new release during 2
> years before participating to a forked project (libusbx).

You waited and you complained. I wish you would have actually
produced a release branch instead, even if that branch included
nothing at all besides the #69 bugfix which bit ccid. My guess is
that noone would have bothered with a fork if you had done that.

As I have explained several times in places where you have probably
already seen it, if someone had proposed a branch with only
bugfixes then I would have been happy to release it. The idea to
do that myself never occured to me, and while the very loud project
leader of the fork loves to spin rhetoric in an attempt make more out
of that than there really is, the fact remains that nobody came up
with a bugfix release branch.

It's really easy to wait and to complain. It's apparently really hard
to produce something that can be released.

> I do not like it at all but we may have lose all the bugs

I think that's silly.

> Andreas, can you wait until mid-January before retiring the server so
> I have a chance to backup what I can? I am not at home now.

I don't think we can count on you to make a backup within that time.

I hope you agree that my above sarcasm is absolutely ridiculous..

Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> Sure, that is fine. I'd prefer to shutdown those parts that are
> migrated already - i.e., make the SVN read-only (is this possible),
> set the mailing lists to moderated etc.

Feel free to shut everything down besides SSH access. If someone
sends me an index.html file explaining that Trac is down because of
the migration then I'm happy to host it on the same URL that will
later serve the Trac instance.

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