Hi Javed. I'll go through your example in more detail soon. In the
meantime, posting a direct link to the promo is not required -- you
can show a static image for now, and I'll post again soon with a
procedure you can follow to parse the parameter within your app.

- Jason

On Sep 25, 8:13 am, Javediq143 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Thanks for replying and thank a lot for giving me your time. I've
> followed your suggestion but got no success.
> I've used "gadgets.views.getParams()" to get the parameters which are
> passed in the URL, this is given in the Orkut Guide. But this is not
> working.
> Then I followed what you had suggested, "getURLParameters()". I've
> implemented this method in another API, the url of which 
> ishttp://go2bollywood.tv/orkut/activity/activity.xmlPlease add this
> also.
> In both the API, Drona or this small one, Im facing the same problem.
> But this time I've put on "alert" boxes which lets me know the "values
> of all the variables at every stage". I followed this boxes for debug
> purpose and noticed that in the second API the Javascript "IndexOf"
> function is not returning me the Index of the string which Im looking
> for.
> If you download the JS and XML file for this API you will come to know
> about the flow of the codes. Might be this will help you to help
> me!!!!!
> Im extremely sorry Jason for troubling you all the time but I'm having
> very few number of days.
> Please try to help me out or kindly suggest me whether this will be ok
> for the orkut to accept if I didnt give any link to the "Activity
> Thumbnail" and just display the image of the promo that has been
> viewed by the viewer.
> Thanks once again and will be thankful to you always.
> Javed I. Ansari.
> On Sep 24, 12:52 pm, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Javed. I just took a look at your app. I can see that you're
> > passing data via the query string, but I don't see where you're using
> > getUrlParameters to retrieve this data in your app. I believe you'll
> > need to access the passed object in your init function and use it to
> > display the correct promo.
> > Other than that, your app looks great except that I'm seeing a blank
> > canvas view when I load it as a guest viewer (someone without the app
> > installed). Please look into this. Note: if you're depending on the
> > VIEWER object, note that it will be null when the current user doesn't
> > have the app installed, so make sure you check for this.
> > - Jason
> > On Sep 24, 3:04 am, Javediq143 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > I'm trying to solve this but not able anyways. I've written a simple
> > > and small gadget file which will load an "ASP page" and after this an
> > > "Activity of this" will be created. Im successfull till here. The
> > > activity is getting created with the "Title" and "Body" and in this
> > > body I'm giving a "link" which when gets clicked will lead the viewer
> > > to that page. But here in my case Im getting a bit wrong output.
> > > When the user clicks on this link then instead of loading the required
> > > page it leads the viewer back to the main page.
> > > I don't know whats wrong over here because I've read the Docs & Guides
> > > given on below 
> > > linkhttp://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/orkutdevguide.html#ops_paging
> > > But still not able to solve it. Can anyone please help me in this
> > > because my "Another API" which is 99% completed but pending because
> > > remaining 1% is what I've discussed above.
> > > Please help me asap. Im in a very urgent need for help.
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > Javed.
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