Stefan Teleman wrote:
> Darren J Moffat wrote:
>> This is on the assumption that GNU binutils 4.3.x is NOT incompatible 
>> with the gcc we currently ship.  If GNU binutils *is* incompatible 
>> with the gcc we currently ship then IMO this case needs to wait and be 
>> part of a future case that upgrade gcc as well, otherwise I don't see 
>> the point in shipping the newer binutils if we ship the older compiler 
>> (unless the newer binutils are compatible with the compiler we ship).
> For the record: I am *purposely* introducing binutils _first_.

Then this case is incomplete as I can't see the bigger picture with how 
this fits with GCC4, hence the questions about the gcc4 directory. 
Please either roll them into one case or provide an overview.

Darren J Moffat

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