Please find attached (and text inline) the draft opinion for 2008/772 
Command Assistant.   Commentary, concerns, criticisms, and corrections 
wanted.  Please.

   Microsystems              Systems Architecture Committee

Subject:    Command Assistant

Submitted by:    Pu Chen

File:        PSARC/2008/772/opinion.txt

Date:        June 17th, 2008.

Committee:    James Carlson (opinion  written  by  Mark Martin),
            Glenn Skinner, Rick Matthews, Sebastien Roy, Kais Belgaied,
            Garrett D'Amore, Mark A. Carlson
Product Approval Committee:
        Solaris PAC
        solaris-pac-opinion at

1.  Summary

The purpose of this project (Command Assistant) is to provide an easy 
access to
OpenSolaris documentations manpages and javadoc in the context of specific
command usage to users.

2.  Decision & Precedence Information

The project is approved as specified in reference [1].

The project may be delivered in a patch release.

3.  Interfaces

The project exports the following interfaces.

Client Interfaces:

           Project Private:

     WebServices Interface: "Committed"

4.  Opinion

The committee expressed concern over the ability for third parties to submit
documentation. The committee also expressed some concern over the potential
possibility of documentation being available via the externally available
service being out of sync with what is currently installed on the user's 
The ability for third parties to submit documentation is not in scope 
for this
project, nor is accounting for variation between versions documented or
installed. This project is sufficiently scoped to deliver a vary narrowly
focused, but useful tool.

5.  Minority Opinion(s)


6.  Advisory Information


7.  Appendices

7.1.  Appendix A: Technical Changes Required


7.2.  Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised


7.3.  Appendix C: Reference Material

Unless stated otherwise, path names are relative to the case directory

1    Onepager
     File: onepager

2    Inception minutes
     File: 20090225.2008.772.commitment

3    Issues
     File: issues

4    PSARC 20 Questions.
     File: post-inception.materials/20_questions_Command_Assistant.txt

5    Security
     File: final.materials/security.txt

PSARC/2008/772               Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
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