On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 03:07:44PM -0400, Brian Utterback wrote:
> >>    /usr/lib/inet/ntpd              Uncomitted      NTP daemon
> >>    /usr/lib/inet/ntp-wait  Project Private
> >>    /usr/sbin/ntpdate               Volatile
> >
> >The manpages for NTP in Solaris now don't state interface stability.
> I thought that they should. If that is not the convention, then I can 
> remove them.

What I meant is that I looked at ntpdate(1M) and no stability attribute
was listed.  Therefore I'd assume it should be Committed.

> >
> >But it seems to me that it's all as if Committed.  ntpdate(1M) in
> >particular is quite useful, though I see that its main use is being
> >subsumed into the ntp service via the config/wait_for_sync property, I
> >think.
> Correct, we have treated them as being largely committed. I don't 
> expect this to change, per se, but since I intend to track the 
> community, I didn't want to formally lock in.  In particular, several 
> of the existing commands are deprecated by the NTP project and may be 
> removed at a future date. These are ntpdate and ntpdc. The 
> functionality of ntpdate is being subsumed by ntpd itself, which now 
> has a "ntpdate" mode. This mode is not a complete replacement yet, but 
> that is the goal. Until then, ntpdate will continue to be delivered.

Oh, I see, ntpdate has been deprecated.  The perhaps you should make it
Committed Obsolete rather than Volatile.

> Also, the ntpdc (xntpdc) command is likewise having its feature set 
> folded into the ntpq command. Not all the functions are there yet, but 
> again, that is the goal.

See above.

> The ntpdate program is no longer called from the service startup 
> method. The ntpdate program, while useful was also a bit of a security 
> hole. It does not support most of the newer authentication methods 
> added in version 4, and it is very susceptible to getting the wrong 
> time from a single bad server. The ntpd program has a mode that allows 
> it to correct a very large offset once at startup just as ntpdate 
> always does. Plus, the new iburst option to the server line allows 
> ntpd to synchronize in seconds (like ntpdate) instead of the 5 minutes 
> it used to require. These two features make the use of ntpdate during 
> startup unnecessary.

Ah, excellent.  Thanks.

> >Will there be a link for 'xntpdc'?  Or does that just go away?
> We could, but it would be simpler to have it just "go away" since that 
> is what the community delivers now, and has for 11 years.

Doesn't that require starting the EOF process?  Wouldn't it be easier to
add a link and mark it Committed Obsolete?  Or is xntpdc different from

> >I wonder if it wouldn't be better to have a separate SMF service for
> >doing an ntpdate early at boot time (say, svc:/network/ntpdate:default),
> >with svc:/network/ntp:default having an optional dependency on the
> >former.
> As I explained above, that is no longer necessary. In addition, the 
> ntpd program now has a feature to retry hostname look-ups that fail 
> during initialization, so the need to wait for the naming service is 
> also no longer a problem. So, ntp can now start very early without 
> difficulty. This will make interaction with Secure DNS easy.

Right, thanks.


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