On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 07:30:06 -0700 (PDT)
Mark Carlson <markcarl at sac.sfbay.sun.com> wrote:

> I am sponsoring this familiarity case for Vivek Titarmare. It requests minor 
> binding and times out 05/05/2009.
> -- mark
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        pywbem Ver 0.7
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Vivek Titarmare
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       28 April, 2009
> 2. Project Summary
>    2.1 Project Description
>       Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface
> 4. Technical Description:
>       PyWBEM is a Python library for making CIM operations over HTTP
>       using the WBEM CIM-XML protocol. It is based on the idea that
>       a good WBEM client should be easy to use and not necessarily
>       require a large amount of programming knowlege. PyWBEM is
>       suitable for a large range of tasks from simply poking around
>       to writing web and GUI applications.

Does this have any dependency upon the existing ON WBEM
code? If it does, *why* ?

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems
http://blogs.sun.com/jmcp       http://www.jmcp.homeunix.com/blog
Kernel Conference Australia - http://au.sun.com/sunnews/events/2009/kernel

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