Below is the updated spec.




        Mar 11, 2008


         Ken Erickson (kene at eng)


        Integrate schily tar (star), a tar-like clone with more
        features and rmt.


        This case supercedes PSARC/2004/480, which was approved on
        June 16, 2004.  Since that time, Solaris policies regarding
        open source have changed, specifically in the areas of
        interface taxonomy and installed locations for open source

        Due to resource constraints, at this time I would also like to
        slightly limit the scope of the original work, specifically
        changes to ufsdump/ufsrestore to use the schily librmt.  This
        would be moved to the "future changes", list as specified in
        the original case, leaving us with:

        Current changes:

        - /usr/sbin/rmt executable from ON replaced by the rmt from star
        - /etc/default/rmt configuration file added (defaults to full 
        - /usr/lib/ shared library added
        - /usr/bin/star executable added
        - /usr/bin/ustar symlink to star added
        - /usr/bin/scpio symlink to star added
        - /usr/bin/spax symlink to star added
        - usr/src/cmd/rmt removed from ON build and/or deleted
        - man page modifications as dictated by SFW and Tech Pubs guidelines

        The original case was approved for patch binding, but given the
        pathname changes for open source components, introduced in Nevada, I
        would like to amend that to seek minor release binding.


        SUNWstar        Package name            Uncommitted
        SUNWrmt         Package name            Uncommitted
        /etc/default/rmt location               Committed
        /etc/default/rmt syntax                 Committed
        /etc/tardumps   location                Committed
        /usr/bin/star   executable              Committed
        /usr/bin/star   command syntax          Committed
        /usr/bin/ustar  symlink                 Uncommitted
        /usr/bin/ustar  command syntax          Uncommitted
        /usr/bin/scpio  symlink                 Uncommitted
        /usr/bin/scpio  command syntax          Uncommitted
        /usr/bin/spax   symlink                 Uncommitted
        /usr/bin/spax   command syntax          Uncommitted
        ./star-symtable location                Committed
        ./star-symdump  location                Committed
        ./star-tmpdir   location                Committed
        ./star-lock     location                Committed

        /usr/sbin/rmt   executable              Committed
        /usr/sbin/rmt   command syntax          Committed
        /etc/rmt        symlink to /usr/sbin/rmt Committed

        /usr/lib/ library            Consolidation Private

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