Margot Miller wrote:
> Thanks Joerg for providing the below star/tar differences.
> Richard,
> Do you need anymore info on these differences?  And is
> it a requirement to have a section in the star man page
> that summarizes the below differences?
> Thanks
> Margot
> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> Rick Matthews <Richard.Matthews at Sun.COM> wrote:
>>>> If called as "tar", star supports the functionality of Sun's tar 
>>>> with a few exceptions. Once, star is in OpenSolaris, I hope this is 
>>>> no longer a rabbit and hedgehog play.         
>>> Are there other exceptions other than those addressed below? So, for 
>>> the purposes of documentation
>>> I'd like to see the exceptions noted.
>>                -E       use extended headers; this option
>>                         exists in star, but star warns about the
>>                         non-POSIX compliant archive format used
>>                         by Sun tar with -E.

Ok.  A hypothetical ARC case proposing star to replace tar would 
probably need to move this option to the "Obsolete" commitment level.

>>                 -k yy   archive/volume size - uses this instead
>>                         of whatever size the media actually is
>>                         The problem with this Sun tar option is that
>>                         it uses undocumented enhancements to the tar
>>                         archive format that are in violation with
>>                         the POSIX tar archive format.  Star implememts
>>                         the -k option using a POSIX compliant extension
>>                         of the archive format.

So the questions I have here are: can the older incompatible Sun formats 
be unarchived by star, and can older Sun tar extract archives with the 
star POSIX-compliant extension?

>>                 -n      not reading from tape, so can use random seeks
>>                         The problem with this Sun tar option is that
>>                         it is easy to implement in a simple tar
>>                         implementaion but hard to do in a buffered tar
>>                         like star.  Star ignores this option and warns
>>                         about this fact.

For an ON-quality integration, I'd prefer to see this option silently 
ignored.  The man page can indicate it is for compatibility only.   (A 
warning would only be required if some user-noticeable behavior changed 
-- but that's not what I think you're saying -n does -- its an 
optimization that star can't use, and perhaps, doesn't need or benefit 

>>                 -q      stop after extracting first instance of
>>                         requested file
>>                         The problem with this Sun tar option is that
>>                         it is documented but unimplemented. As it is
>>                         unclear whether this option should allow more
>>                         that one file argument is it not possible to
>>                         implement it from the available description.

If the docs are wrong, then lets just fix the docs!

>>                 -X yy   exclude files named in the file yy
>>                         Not yet implemented in star.
>>                 -I yy   include files named in the file yy. This option
>>                         is not documented as it is implemented in Sun 
>> tar.
>>                         Not yet implemented in star.

Weird.  Can you provide details about the differences between the docs 
and the actual implementation?

>>                 -@      included Sun extended attributes in the archive
>>                         Not implemented in star as Sun tar uses 
>> deprecated
>>                         POSIX.1-1988 extensions.
>>                 -T      Trusted extensions. This option is related to -@

Right, this was the subject of earlier debate.  We'd need this "feature" 
in a /bin/tar replacement.

>>                 -z      This is a completely undocumented Sun tar 
>>                         option that is incompatible to all other
>>                         tar implementations.

Undocumented options can probably be excised.

    -- Garrett

>>>> There is currently no support for Sun's ACL/extended-attribute 
>>>> archive format that is based on outdated technology. Star however 
>>>> supports a _portable_ ACL archive format that is based on recent 
>>>> POSIX technology for vendor specific extensions.
>>> I can understand reasons for not writing Solaris format archives, 
>>> but what prevents star or the OpenSolaris
>>> star project from reading Solaris format archives? Lack of interest 
>>> may be a satisfactory answer, but there
>>> are those who already have tar-like archives from Solaris.
>> One problem is that the Sun format is not fully documented and 
>> unnessecarily complex.
>>>  From what you've indicated, star supports an archive format WRT 
>>> ACLs that readable and usable by
>>> tar implementations on other OSs (other than a star implementation). 
>>> Is that correct?
>> It allows to move ACLs between different platforms.
>>> Joerg,
>>>   I and others are interested in discussing archive format 
>>> (tar-like) for various applications within Solaris
>> I would like to discuss a portable format for extended attribute files.
>> It must be based on POSIX.1-2001 extensions where possible and it 
>> should allow to move attribute content to Linux and FreeBSD if possible.
>> All archive format extensions and all other extensions (such as the 
>> plug-in
>> proposal from Glenn Fowler need to be defined in a way that allows to 
>> be used in a buffered tar implementation like star that runs in two 
>> processes and imposes the following constraints:
>> -    one process handles the archive content but not the archive I/O 
>>     (reading/writing of the archive).
>> -    another process handles the archive I/O but does not know 
>> anything about     the archive format. This affects e.g. the way 
>> multi-volume may be     implemented. Star cannot implement the 
>> problematic "in-band" method
>>     for multi-volume from GNUtar but uses a reliable "out-of-band" 
>> method
>>     instead.
>> -    lseek(2) on the archive is extremely hard to implement. It is 
>> currently
>>     unimplemented. If someone makes a proposal that requires to seek 
>> the     archive, we first need to implement and test/verify the 
>> implementation
>>     before such a proposal is applicable.
>> For obvious reasons, extended attribute information cannot fully live 
>> inside the
>> hidden POSIX.1-2001 metadata but star may add speficic tags inside 
>> the hidden
>> metadata.
>>> and OpenSolaris. Portability of format is a big deal. Is there a 
>>> OpenSolaris or other discussion
>>> forum in which these are being discussed?
>> star-developers at looks like a good address for 
>> general discussions, star-discuss at is for OpenSolaris 
>> specific discussions.
>> J?rg

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