Joerg Schilling wrote:
> I am not sure whether it is needed to reply to all parts of the mail.
> Maybe it is suffiient to point you to a missunderstanding.
> "Garrett D'Amore" <gdamore at> wrote:
>>> If OpenSolaris likes to participate in the advantages from star, Sun cannot
>>> try to dictate the development. There is a way to create a symbiosis of 
>>> OpenSolaris and star, the keyword is collaboration.
>> Your idea of collaboration seems to mean that everything ever written by 
>> Joerg Shilling is perfect, must be accepted as is, without change, and 
>> that nobody else is allowed to touch code written by Joerg, without his 
>> permission.  Oh, and that failure to integrate all of Joerg's code is a 
>> failure on the part of the community and its sponsors.
> It seems that you missunderstand collaboration. Shawn Walker came up with a 
> nice definition of collaboration but also failed to understand it:
> ****
> Collaboration means *working towards a common goal*; not dictating 
> what the other party will do. 
> ****
> Your proposal was that Sun should take over the star source, remove the
> portability code and then start dictating how future development should be 
> done.
> This is defionitely not collaboration.

s/Sun/the OpenSolaris community/
s/the star source/copy of & in ON/

> Star comes with a free license, so Sun could take the current star source and 
> create a fork. This however looks unwise as it would decouple Sun from the 
> future development of star. Is this really what you like?

See above.  A "fork" as you call it, may be the best solution if we 
cannot agree on key items.  Certainly one must allow for the possibility 
to exist if the code is to be accepted as part of ON.  The idea that no 
star development/maintenance can take place in ON without your explicit 
involvement is not a scalable model for development.

Actually, if we (OpenSolaris, Sun, and you) cannot arrive to a suitable 
understanding, I think the idea of forking the code becomes 
counter-productive.  At that point, I'd probably choose not to integrate 
star rather than pursue a fork, but that's a decision that is best made 
by others.

    -- Garrett

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