Brian Cameron wrote:
> Darren:
> Thanks for your questions.
>> 3. Greeter themes
>> What is the impact to the OpenSolaris branding given the new theme
>> restrictions ?
> The new GDM greeter only allows the specification of the background
> image to be used with the new GDM.  Unless the "gdm" user is configured
> to use a different background image, it will use the same background
> that is shown by default for a user session.  So, without any extra
> work, it will already use the same branded background we use for the
> user sessions.  We can change that if we think a different branded
> background for the GDM screen improves the branding.
We will likely *not* want to use the default user session screen on the 
GDM screen. Aesthetic placement and sizing of a logo on the user session 
screen, if one exists at all, may not match up well with the log-in 
dialog size and placement on the GDM screen. Please allow for the 
specification of an alternative GDM screen background.


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