On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 01:42:39AM -0700, Alan M Wright wrote:
> On 08/27/09 13:17, Dean Roehrich wrote:
> >On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 04:40:41PM -0700, Alan M Wright wrote:
> >>On 08/26/09 14:33, Dean Roehrich wrote:
> >>>On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 09:55:20AM -0600, Tim Haley wrote:
> >>>>  The offline attribute (XAT_OFFLINE) will be added to the read-
> >>>>  write system attributes view defined in PSARC/2007/315 and will be
> >>>>  generally available to file systems and applications to indicate
> >>>>  the offline/online status of objects: boolean value of true
> >>>>  indicates the object is offline.  In order to set or clear the
> >>>>  offline attribute the consumer must have the ACE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES
> >>>>  permission or the PRIV_FILE_OWNER privilege.  In the kernel, it
> >>>>  will be accessible via VOP_GETATTR() and VOP_SETATTR().  In user
> >>>>  space, it will be accessible via chmod(1), ls(1) and fgetattr(3C).
> >>>>  No changes are required to the VOP or fgetattr(3C) function
> >>>>  prototypes.
> >>>An HSM does not want the file's owner to twiddle this status.  That 
> >>>status
> >>>should be controlled by the HSM.
> >>The file system can return EACCES or EPERM if it doesn't want
> >>the attribute changed via fsetattr(3C).
> >>
> >>I didn't want to preclude user space applications from being
> >>able to manipulate this attribute on regular (non-HSM) file
> >>systems.  As I mentioned, a virus scanner could be configured
> >>to mark the file as offline while it is performing a scan-on-
> >>open.
> >
> >In that case, how would the virus scanner and the HSM interoperate on the 
> >same
> >filesystem?
> I think that's outside the scope of this case - that would be a
> design consideration for those components.  And there's already
> a potential interaction problem between virus scanning and HSM:
> virus scanners may keep pulling files onto primary storage if
> poorly configured.
> Perhaps a well-designed virus scanner would recognize when the
> offline bit is already set and not attempt to scan files during
> background/scheduled scanning, and perhaps it's a bad idea for
> a virus scanner to manipulate the offline bit.  Hopefully, these
> are application specific design problems that we have to solve
> here.
> >Given your use-case, how would an HSM know when it can trust or use this 
> >bit?
> If an HSM is managing the offline bit it can simply return EPERM
> if anything external to the HSM tries to change the state of that
> attribute.  Nothing here requires that a file system or HSM allow
> the offline attribute to be changed outside of its control.

Customers will write applications (maybe a file browser) which query this bit,
and they'll file bugs against the HSM products for not setting it.  The HSM
products will then be in a bind because they know they can't use it as
specified (at a minimum, they would have to modify fsetattr to no longer allow
the setting of that bit, which would break some other customer's home-grown
application...and so it goes).

So here's how this case _could_ have been presented, given that it's supposed
to displace PSARC/2009/381:  You introduce XAT_OFFLINE, which is owned by the
HSM.  The virus scanner must honor this bit and avoid scanning offline files
(there, now your virus scanner won't screw up the HSM resource management


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