On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 12:44:39PM -0700, Alan M Wright wrote:
> >Customers will write applications (maybe a file browser) which query this 
> >bit,
> >and they'll file bugs against the HSM products for not setting it.
> And perhaps that's appropriate because this case is an action
> item from PSARC/2009/381 to introduce this attribute.

Okay, granted, this thing is just a conduit and fsetattr() can ask the HSM, at
each call, what value should be used.

I'm still not understanding why the file's owner should have the ability to
set this bit.  What would be the purpose of that?  It makes me question
whether this bit has any specific meaning.

> I think you're distracted by this hypothetical HSM/virus scanning
> interaction but it's not relevant here.  An HSM or file system
> can easily reject attempts to manipulate the offline attribute.
> This is a non-issue.

Yes, it was a surpise to me that a non-HSM use-case was presented.


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