On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 03:54 -0700, Fuyuki Hasegawa wrote:
>        Integrating ibus does not mean to obsolete iiimf or scim, but we would
>        put them in maintenance state.

What is "maintenance state"?  If you mean that they will remain
supported but that ibus is the preferred method, then making them
"Obsolete" in the ARC sense would seem like the right thing to do.  Is
that what you intend?  See

>      4.1.2 Switching between iBus, SCIM and IIIMF
>        iBus services are started by gnome-session(1). User could
> simply enable
>        or disable the service via gnome-session-properties(1). With
> the help of
>        startup scripts shipped with iiimf and scim, user could set
>        environment variable in $HOME/.profile to select iBus, IIIMF or

Is the GTK_IM_MODULE variable an interface exported by this case, or was
it part of a previous case?

>        We plan to change default IM framework from iiimf to ibus in Solaris
>        Next.

So this case does not change the default IM framework.  A future case
will do that.  Is that accurate?

>    4.5. Interfaces:
>        INTERFACE NAME             STABILITY    NOTE
>        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>        /usr/bin/ibus-daemon       Uncommitted  message bus daemon
>        /usr/bin/ibus-setup        Uncommitted  setup launcher
>        /usr/libexec/ibus-x11      Uncommitted  ibus XIM fontend/agend
>        /usr/libexec/ibus-gconf    Uncommitted  config backend by gconf-python
>        /usr/libexec/ibus-ui-gtk   Uncommitted  panel GUI by pygtk
>        /usr/lib/libibus.so        Uncommitted  ibus C binding SDK library
>        /usr/include/ibus-1.0/*    Uncommitted  ibus C binding header files
>        /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/   Uncommitted  ibus developor documents
>        ibus/*
>        /usr/lib/python2.6/        Uncommitted  ibus Python binding
>        site-packages/ibus/*
>        /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/   Uncommitted  ibus gtk-im-module
>        immodules/im-ibus*.so
>        /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/  Uncommitted  64bits version of ibus
>        gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/               gtk-im-module
>        im-ibus*.so
>        /usr/share/ibus/setup/*    Uncommitted  ibus-setup modules
>        /usr/share/ibus/ui/gtk/*   Uncommitted  panel GUI by pygtk
>        /usr/share/ibus/           Uncommitted  ibus components registry
>        components/*                            like ibus-gconf, ibus-ui-gtk
>                                                and IMEs
>        /usr/libexec/              Uncommitted  IME launcher
>        ibus-engine-<IME_NAME>
>        /usr/libexec/              Uncommitted  IME setup launcher
>        ibus-setup-<IME_NAME>
>        /usr/share/ibus-<IME_NAME> Uncommitted  IME modules
>        *IME_NAME is among [anthy, chewing, hangul, m17n, pinyin, table]
>        /usr/share/ibus-table/*    Uncommitted  ibus-table engine and
>                                                code-tables

I suspect that many of the above are not actually interfaces at all, but
rather internal components of the implementation.  No user or
application should be using most of these things directly, so
Uncommitted seems inappropriate.  Can you clarify which interfaces you
expect users and applications to interact with directly and give those
appropriate stabilities.  Everything else should probably be some kind
of private or not an interface at all.

>    4.12. Dependencies:
>        We need python2.6 to be the default in OpenSolaris.

What is the specific case dependency?


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