On 05/13/10 08:19, John Sonnenschein wrote:

On 2010-05-13, at 7:19 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

        Between 7.4 and 8.5, the following new command was introduced:

                       Location                     Uncommitted
                       Invocation                   Uncommitted
                       Human-readable output        Not an Interface

The Coreutils.8.5.txt also mentions stdbuf as a new command added in 7.5,
and the man page for it is included.   Will this case also be adding it
to /usr/bin since there is no existing conflicting utility there?  Same
stability levels as nproc?

Yes this was an omission on my part. stdbuf will be included, and with the same 
stability levels as nproc. Apologies

I've updated the proposal.txt in the case directory to reflect this change:

sac% sccs diffs -C proposal.txt

------- proposal.txt -------
*** /tmp/sccs.6wai14    Thu May 13 11:08:17 2010
--- proposal.txt        Thu May 13 11:08:09 2010
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----

+                 stdbuf
                         Location                     Uncommitted
                         Invocation                   Uncommitted
                         Human-readable output        Not an Interface
*** 76,82 ****
         printf      ptx         pwd         readlink    rm
         rmdir       runcon      seq         sha1sum     sha224sum
         sha256sum   sha384sum   sha512sum   shred       shuf
!        sleep       sort        split       stat        stty
         sum         sync        tac         tail        tee
         test        timeout     touch       tr          true
         truncate    tsort       tty         uname       unexpand
--- 77,83 ----
         printf      ptx         pwd         readlink    rm
         rmdir       runcon      seq         sha1sum     sha224sum
         sha256sum   sha384sum   sha512sum   shred       shuf
!        sleep       sort        split       stat        stdbuf       stty
         sum         sync        tac         tail        tee
         test        timeout     touch       tr          true
         truncate    tsort       tty         uname       unexpand

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