On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 12:43, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> Tending to be a bit of a reductionist, I can't help but throw out what
> I think is the #1 foundational question here.
> What's the best package architecture (database) standard for
> OpenSolaris? The canonicial choices, listed alphabetically, are:

Are we talking about adding packaging to the source
currently on OpenSolaris.org and by implication the packaging system
for the Solaris product based on OpenSolaris or are we talking about
packaging systems for future/current distributions ?

Just like with Linux I kind of expected that each distribution
that is based on OpenSolaris would do what suites them.  In fact
I'd really like to see OpenSolaris distributions that use
rpm or deb as their defaults - if for no other reason than to
prove it can be done but - because this will help us all
work out what really is best.

It would be very interesting to see rpm used the way it is
used to build Fedora, ie use the build and package system rather
than just the package system.  However that requires significant
re whack of the ON consolidation build system I expect.

Darren J Moffat

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