On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Spencer Shepler wrote:

On Wed, Dragan Cvetkovic wrote:
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Spencer Shepler wrote:

It seems that the transfer start quickly, but after some time it gets
slower and slower.

Will do. What do you want me to snoop? cp or dd? what block size? If
copying 300MB takes 2 hours to finish, do you want the whole snoop or
shall I limit it?

Just a short (2 minutes) should suffice.  HOwever, in the other mail
you noted that there were the very high number of carrier_errors.
That is likely the problem, right?

OK, I have emailed you the link to snoop files. I have noticed quite a few carrier_errors on the server

bash-3.00# kstat -n elxl0 | grep carrier
        carrier_errors                  842217

but how came it affects NFS but doesn't affect e.g. ftp?

Bye, Dragan

Dragan Cvetkovic,

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