On 7/14/05, Eric Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn wrote:
> > ... I see a similar trend in Linux attempting to be birthed even now:
> > http://www.componentizedlinux.org/. The idea of a similar project
> > being birthed for OpenSolaris is an exciting thing to me...
> I second that, bigtime.  So my instincts tell me that the main issue
> that needs to be focused on ASAP is the base-library problem that James
> and others have mentioned. In other words, before any trans-project
> discussion (about a unified approach) can make much headway, it seems
> to me that the base-library problem has to get resolved first. Two
> projects have addressed it, but the others have not. More on this later...

I would agree as well, the whole libm issue and other things need to
be addressed soon. Basically, anything that would prevent an
OpenSolaris distribution from being able to run Solaris binaries "as
is" due to libraries that we don't have the redistribution rights for
should be a priority in my opinion. At the very least, if we can iron
out the differences so that a working alternative can be produced
would be great.

> JDS/RPM (Chris R., Glynn F., Laca P., Shawn W.)

Well, I didn't know that it was really JDS/RPM, to me it's more
JDS/pkgbuild. As far as RPM, after seeing what pkgbuild is capable of,
I'd rather use the svr4 package tools for an OpenSolaris distribution
(oh please...can we move up that release date for the pkg tools ;)).
I'm very impressed with what pkgbuild can do, and it feels just like
using rpmbuild (though I would like to add a few features). I suppose
the added benefit of being able to use the .spec files to build .rpms
on Linux distributions is a nifty feature as well. Last but not least,
though the pkgtools aren't available as source, I would love it if we
could at least have binary redistribution rights for them until we can
get the source. I think it would help quite a bit. Any way that could

> SchilliX and the Pkgsrc projects are solving the missing base-libraries
> problem by using the SPS-provided ones; but as far as I know, the
> Blastware, JDS/RPM, and Portage projects have not addressed what
> they're going to do about missing base-libraries.

As far as my own distribution, I've toyed with the idea, but I'm
waiting for a few things before I would launch into that and I'm not
sure I'm comfortable with that level of responsibility just yet. I'm
far more interested in helping others get their projects up and going,
as well as plain ole' bug fixing. As far as assisting the JDS project,
I'd like to focus on fixing big bugs and helping JDS become an
environment friendlier to CDE users performance and behaviour wise
(please, don't email me yet about that topic as I still have a lot of
planning to do, will to write, etc. :) ).

I want to help Glynn Foster and the other people that will become part
of the JDS community move the JDS desktop forward. I would like to
think that the JDS community can become a GNOME and OpenSolaris
community leader in development and other ways. As far as the base
libraries issue, yes I think that's important as well. As has been
discussed on this list before, many of the components of JDS are also
used by Stefan's KDE builds. Plans with plans, and I haven't yet
sorted all of it out. In the meantime, I'm just contributing in
whatever way I can...

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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