On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Shawn Walker wrote:
> On 7/14/05, Eric Boutilier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Shawn wrote:
> > > ... I see a similar trend in Linux attempting to be birthed even now:
> > > http://www.componentizedlinux.org/. The idea of a similar project
> > > being birthed for OpenSolaris is an exciting thing to me...
> >
> > I second that, bigtime.  So my instincts tell me that the main issue
> > that needs to be focused on ASAP is the base-library problem that James
> > and others have mentioned. In other words, before any trans-project
> > discussion (about a unified approach) can make much headway, it seems
> > to me that the base-library problem has to get resolved first. Two
> > projects have addressed it, but the others have not. More on this later...
> I would agree as well, the whole libm issue and other things need to
> be addressed soon. Basically, anything that would prevent an
> OpenSolaris distribution from being able to run Solaris binaries "as
> is" due to libraries that we don't have the redistribution rights for
> should be a priority in my opinion.

And I'd add this as an equally high priority too: Avoiding multiple
fragmented decisions about base libraries; especially agreeing on
common source packages to build them from and agreeing on the placement
of the libarries in the file system hierarchy.

The Blastware folks, the JDS/KDE folks, and the Portage folks -- all
three of which have huge constituencies -- have yet to weigh in.

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