Daniel Johnsen wrote:
1b. Btw, why doesnt sun share the development process of zfs with the
community ? Like integrating it into the opensolaris release, but not
as the default root filesystem. It would be very clever to get a lot
of beta-testing for the filesystem, from a lot of users. Ok maybe its
still not ready to get tested but anyway, will sun release the zfs
for testing, or will they wait until its finished and ready for
production-use ? If it will opened for testing (before the final
release), when would this happen (approximal) ? I heart the final zfs
wont be released this year.

It is my expectation (and note that I'm not on the zfs team just an
interested bystander) that shortly after zfs is integrated, it should
appear under CDDL on opensolaris.org. I have no say in the matter,
and the zfs team, legal and marketing will be groups which decide on
how that proceeds. I'd like to see zfs under CDDL.

The product itself is currently in a beta test phase, with a lot of
testers around the world who have a wide ranging variety of hardware
and applications to test it with.

There are two things which matter to me when it comes to filesystems:
correctness/accuracy, and speed. I think it incredibly unlikely that
the zfs team would agree to let their new filesystem out into the
world without being able to ensure its correctness. That is my under-
standing of why there has been no release of zfs to the public so far.

I have no data on when zfs might be released to the public.

2. Now from access control to resource control. Can we expect to see
more fine-grained resource controls in the future ? I want to
seperate the resources for users on my shell. But atm there is just
the option to set cpu/shares, and some memory settings. I would like
to see finer control like the ckrm approach for linux
(ckrm.sourceforge.net). For example limiting disk bandwidth (r/w
speed) and incoming+outgoing network traffic (I know about qos, but
its not possible to count the amount of incoming traffic on a per
user base).
I really like to have full control over everything users can do on my
computer ;)

Gee, it sounds a little as if you want to be big brother! :)

Seriously, have you investigated the resource controls that are already
available with Solaris 10? I don't think there are any there yet for
disk bandwidth limiting -- and why would you want those anyway? If there
are capabilities in ckrm which you want to see in {Open}Solaris then
please bring this up on the rfe discussion list/forum. It's entirely
possible that what you want is already there, just in a form which is
not obvious to you. Who knows?

best regards,
James C. McPherson
Pacrim PTS Engineer            828 Pacific Highway
                               Gordon NSW
Sun Microsystems Australia     2072

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