> > "Sunfreeware is just plain BUSTED because Steve
> Christensen doesn't really understand how to package
> software, to be more precise, he does not understand
> how to engineer software packages.
> Sun clearly states in their Application Packaging
> Developer's Guide how packages should be designed and
> what to watch out for, but apparently he either
> didn't pay attention or he just blatantly disregarded
> it. -ux-admin"
> This is still where you can get the latest built
> packages. I believe this is a really valuable
> resource, and if he didn't follow standards how
> packaging is supposed to work, then who would?

Blastwave guys make much better packages than Steve, although they leave 
something to be desired as well (see my previous posts on the topic).

Steve is good at getting the stuff to compile, but he has no concept of 
dependencies, reverse dependencies, and incompatible packages, let alone 
upgrades or stable releases. To Steve, dependency management is "oh, and for x 
to work, you'll also have to install y".  Gee Steve, thanks!  Just makes me 
wonder why the engineers at Sun spent the last 20 years providing a software 
management subsystem inside Solaris!

You should install Steve's stuff only if you have no other choice, i.e. you're 
running Solaris7 and/or earlier, since Blastwave supports Solaris8 as 
minimum... even packaging your own stuff is a far better alternative than using 
I'm just waaay too pedantic about this kind of stuff... and Steve has this 

> I can't see any references to how to use -S packages
> in the dev guide?

It's simple: you unpack the source code into /usr/src/code-x.y.z/, then package 
it up as ABCDcodeS.  Ideally with Solaris specific patches applied before the 
packaging.  That *should* be about it.

All you have to do is look closely enough, and the references are all there. 
For a good example, take a look at SUNWsmbaS package (there are probably even 
better examples out there).

> This really causes some problems for me such as /etc,
> because /etc/mnttab is missing, I can't even unmount
> the filesystem after I loopback-mounted it !

You have to use it with thoughtfully:
su -
mkdir -p /etc/opt/SoftwareName/
mkdir -p /var/opt/SoftwareName/
mkdir -p /opt/MyCompanyName/
mkdir -p /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/etc/opt/
mkdir -p /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/var/opt/
mkdir -p /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/opt/MyCompanyName/
mount -F lofs /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
mount -F lofs /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/var/opt/ /var/opt/
mount -F lofs /export/scratch/SoftwareNameInstall-x.y.z/opt/MyCompanyName/ 
cd /export/scratch/SoftwareName-x.y.z/
./configure --prefix=/opt/MyCompanyName --statedir=/var/opt/SoftwareName 
--sysconfdir=/etc/opt/SoftwareName ...
make && make install

> What's stopping Sun from replacing the -pkg Format
> with for example RPM? OpenSolaris will grow in the
> next few years. Sure the old package standards could
> work... and why replacing something that works? Isn't
> it time to standardize, why not rebuild everything
> from scratch?? Clearly there are problems with Sun
> PKG, or else there wouldn't be that many side
> projects on this.

Why not rebuild everything from scratch? Because there is no need to, because 
what we have today is far superior to anything else out there. Because most of 
it works great. Because this IS NOT LINUX.  Because just throwing everything 
away every so often is simply conceptually wrong. Design it right like Sun 
engineers did, and you won't have to turn everything upside down every so 
often. And we don't.

> The best solution to all of this for now is:
> http://pkgbuild.sourceforge.net/. It uses the rpm
> .spec files to build and configure from source, and
> also creates a PKG. If everyone would use this,

But therein lies the problem. Again we come to the understanding of concept.
You're assuming that Linux and RPM are going to remain the main dev platform, 
and there is reason to doubt that.
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