On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Steven Christensen wrote:
> It may be a little early to create a community, but not too early to
> start defining the problems we need to solve and what a community
> might do...

Regarding defining problems we need to solve, scope is probably
something that should be discussed early on. With that in mind, I'm
wondering if it's maybe too early to start looking at binary package
management/update systems (#3 below)? That's a pretty complex and
broad-ranging area to be getting into at this point...


> What I would like to see immediately here is a good summary
> of
> 1. What are our packaging goals?
> 2. What systems are available and what are the pros and cons of each?
> Some of my concerns are
> 1. having a system that is relatively easy to learn so that developers
> will not be put off by it.  Some systems may be very powerful, but
> hard
> to learn.  I favor simplicity whenever possible so that new users will
> not be too confused.
> 2. for creation of a package, having a system that handles
> dependencies, pre and post install issues, etc. in a logical way - if
> logic can even be applied!
> 3. having a system that provides flexible installation.  For example,
> some users will want to run a command  that will install the package
> and every dependency automatically.  Others will want a command that
> just installs just one or a few packages, but not others perhaps.
> Finally, many users want to just download individual packages and
> install them after they can understand what each is going to do to
> their systems.
> There are probably hundreds of other things to worry about.  I would
> love to have a fairly detailed summary of your methods for your
> current software in GNOME/JDS and maybe an example or two of how you
> might add a new software package.  For instance, there are programs
> like say nessus or nedit (that I don't think are packaged at Sun) that
> use GTK+ 2.  How might such a progam be built and packaged using what
> you do now?
> People who use other methods can provide similar examples.  I think
> the more examples we have, the easier it will be for us to at least
> experiment, if not select one to use at this point.

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