On 3/6/06, Keith M Wesolowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 07:09:32PM +0100, Felix Schulte wrote:
> > We only have Studio 11 installed as it is the only "free" version -
> > Studio 10 is not free of charge.
> We've been over this before on IRC.  Studio 10 is free of charge.  See
> the license terms at
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/tools/sun_studio_tools/sssent/.
> IIRC your problem is the "Provided that You are a participant of the
> OpenSolaris community" phrase and the fact that you insist on doing
> OpenSolaris development on machines which your lawyers have told you
> are accessible to people who do not meet that requirement.  While
> there are solid policy and technical ways around this (such as making
> the compilers executable only by a specific group and then adding all
> "participant[s] in the OpenSolaris community" to that group), we can't
> force you to implement them.
> The constructive solutions available to you are:
> 1. Use gcc instead.  There are 22 open bugs that affect ON when built
> with gcc, most of which cause compilation failure and are trivial to
> fix.  Use the gcc 3.4.3 delivered with Solaris Express build 22 or
> later.  I can't comment on other consolidations' gcc-readiness.
> 2. Work with the ON C-team and Pete Dennis in particular to address
> the Studio 11 bugs.  I'm sure he'd welcome your assistance if he
> hasn't already completed the work; I'll let him provide additional
> status he might have since I'm not up to date on it.
> 3. Employ a process and/or technical solution that satisfies your
> lawyers that you are adhering to the Studio 10 license terms.
I prefer option one then.

> If you prefer to complain about this, please do it somewhere else;
> your system comes equipped with a handy pseudodevice, /dev/null, which
> is highly receptive to complaints of this type.  Do not continue
> misinforming others about the status or availability of Studio 10.  If
> the license does not work for you, don't use the product.  Statements
> to others that it is "not free of charge" are misleading and
> counterproductive.
I asked a simple question and described my problem. Why are you beating me?
      _        Felix Schulte
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