On Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 07:46:39PM +0100, Felix Schulte wrote:

> > 1. Use gcc instead.  There are 22 open bugs that affect ON when built
> > with gcc, most of which cause compilation failure and are trivial to
> > fix.  Use the gcc 3.4.3 delivered with Solaris Express build 22 or
> > later.  I can't comment on other consolidations' gcc-readiness.

> I prefer option one then.

You'll want to join the tools-gcc mailing list and check out the
documentation at
http://opensolaris.org/os/community/tools/gcc/build_instr/ and
http://opensolaris.org/os/community/tools/gcc/bug_fixing_notes/.  At
this point it's probably better to work with current ON sources and
fix/work around compile errors rather than go back to the now rather
dated gcc project gate releases (though we could make a new release if
it were important enough).

Note that I have set a goal of having full gcc compilation support in
ON by the end of this month.  I do not guarantee that the resulting
bits will actually work, but right now they seem fairly reliable, and
have passed numerous test suites in the past.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
Solaris Kernel Team             "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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