Glynn Foster wrote:

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 13:25 -0600, Eric Boutilier wrote:
Couple changes I'm going to try with this:

- Doing them semi-monthly instead of bi-weekly. Therefore, the ones
 that I'm about to post will cover from 02/19 (picking up where the
 last ones left off) to 02/28 (the last day of Feb). Then the next
 batch will cover 03/01 to 03/15, etc...

- Following a suggestion made by Artem Kachitchkine, I'm going to send
 this batch all at once to see if that's better.

Just a reminder, I'm not doing all the forums, just the technology-based
ones, and of those, the top 10 or so... for now anyway.

Suggestions, offers to help, welcome.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

I wonder if it's worth creating a new list for this, especially if
you've got the process almost automated? Perhaps opensolaris-summaries
or something?


Also, in another post, John Levon wrote:

   == I thought you'd agreed these should go somewhere else than a widely-read
   == general opensolaris mailing list...

John, I misunderstood and made the reports available elsewhere (RSS/XML feed) 
in addition to here because so many people prefer to forgo this list; but I see 
now that you were suggesting posting them elsewhere instead of here...

I'll do whatever people want of course. Here are some options I'll throw out, 
off the top of my head:

1. Create another list as Glynn suggested
2. Don't post them to a list
   a. Post them to a page on instead
   b. Post them to my blog instead
3. Don't change anything (keep posting them here)
4. other...?


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