Artem Kachitchkine writes:
> > I don't think that's an Open Solaris question at all.  You can run any
> > software you want, so long as you follow the terms of the license
> > granted to you for it.
> Or to paraphrase: go read GPL, silly; if you don't understand what it says, 
> don't write code for Solaris. It seems like a reasonable response, but from 
> my 
> personal experience it often doesn't work ??? well, when a community member 
> looks up to you. It's a "But it sucks -- Well, world is a sucky place" kind 
> of 
> dialogue.

No, that's not an accurate paraphrase at all.

As an individual out in the world (not an Open Solaris developer), you
have to make your own way.  That means entering into contracts and
observing restrictions that derive from those acts.  And you have to
do it on your own or, if you can't, obtain competent help to do so.

That has nothing to do with whether or not you contribute to Open
Solaris.  And I don't see how anyone here can or should help you do

Apart from my life here at Sun, and on my own machines, I have no
problem at all running both GPL'd and CDDL'd software and depending on
the resulting system for my own benefit.  I know what the licenses
mean for me, and I follow the terms.  Other users will have to do the

It's really that simple.

What I *think* you're trying to say is that someone who has a GPL'd
driver in his hands could in theory port it to Open Solaris and then
publish the result on his own (not back through Sun).  And another
person who wanted it could download and use it.  And that all of this
forms another distribution mechanism.

Sure; so long as everyone involved understands and is following the
licensing terms of the software they used, I doubt there's a problem.
But it's also none of your or my business if that happens.  I don't
see how you, me, or Sun could ever "bless" such an arrangement of
third parties.  It makes no sense to me.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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