Robert Milkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> PM> Eric Enright wrote:
> >> I'm currently looking at porting a certain Linux driver to Solaris'
> >> usbser/GSD framework, and am concerned about GPL/CDDL conflicts.  I
> >> know that a typical port would not be allowed, however my intent is to
> >> only use the magic numbers and general chip programming logic rather
> >> than reuse code.  Would I be able to do that?
> PM> I guess a lawyer can give you a usable answer on that one.
> I guess that Sun should address this - it should be clearly stated in
> a FAQ (for developers) what to do in such cases (not just - consult
> your lawyer). Is it permitted or not? What about GPL, BSD, ...?

It is most likely that the part of the GPL that tries to be "viral" is 
not enforcable. At least not a single case on court did try to find this
out and there are several cases of GPLd software (at least one even on - a FSF owned server) that illegally tries to change the
license of third party (non GPL) software to be GPL, in case that the
viral part of the GPL would be enforcable.

The real problem that I see is that people may call OpenSolaris a GPL
violating project even though there is no reason that would stand a 
case on court.


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