I like to perform little experiments.  Its my nature.  Maybe I always wanted
to be a scientist and dropped out of the masters program level to go get a
real job with Pratt & Whitney and played with interesting materials in turbo
fan jet engine blades.  And I like to perform little experiments but can't
stick PHd after my name.  Oh well.

So I wondered to myself .. just how small a footprint can SXCR have?

I know that Eric Bootilier did some interesting work with the reduced core
install cluster and I was thinking of starting there and then ripping out
packages until the system fell over or became just barely useable.

Phase one of this experiment would be .. to start wit ha Solaris 8 system
just for comparison and strip it totally bare.

I did that by first creating a jumpstart server and then simply booting the
system over and over and installing the core packages and then ripping out
nearly everything that was left.  To do that I need to have a jumpstart
server and my trusty SXCR box here seems fine for the task.  The Solaris 8
"add_install_client" however does not like ZFS at all and thus I had to
setup everything out of my root slice.

That seemed to work and I ended up with :

# uname -a
SunOS isis 5.8 Generic_108528-29 sun4u sparc sun4u
# pkginfo
system      SUNWadmr       System & Network Administration Root
system      SUNWcar        Core Architecture, (Root)
system      SUNWcsd        Core Solaris Devices
system      SUNWcsl        Core Solaris, (Shared Libs)
system      SUNWcsr        Core Solaris, (Root)
system      SUNWcsu        Core Solaris, (Usr)
system      SUNWesu        Extended System Utilities
system      SUNWhmd        SunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers
system      SUNWkey        Keyboard configuration tables
system      SUNWkvm        Core Architecture, (Kvm)
system      SUNWlibms      Sun WorkShop Bundled shared libm
system      SUNWpd         PCI Drivers
system      SUNWrmodu      Realmode Modules, (Usr)
system      SUNWswmt       Install and Patch Utilities

I could probably rip out a few more from that but the system really gets to
be useless in a hurry.  At the moment it works just fine and can even mount
a remote NFS filesystem.

With Solaris Express Community Release ( b35 ) on the other hand I can
actuall insert each of the CDROMs and then run the setup_install_server
scripts and they actuall copy everything needed into my ZFS filesystem. 

# ls
cdrom0        sol_11_sparc
# cd sol_11_sparc
# ls
s0  s1  s2  s3  s4  s5  s6
# cd s0
# ls
Copyright                    Solaris_11
# cd Solaris_11/Tools
# ./setup_install_server /export/zfs_0/jumpstart/s10/SXCRb35
Verifying target directory...
Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_11 product
Calculating space required for the installation boot image
Copying the CD image to disk...
Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
Install Server setup complete

repeat with other CDROMs .. easy.

Then I go and look to see what I got for a result :

# cd /export/zfs_0/jumpstart/s10/SXCRb35
# ls -lap
total 707
drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root          14 Apr 12 02:52 ./
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root           3 Apr 12 00:46 ../
-r--r--r--   1 root     root          87 Mar  2 18:33 .cdtoc
drwxr-xr-x   5 root     root           7 Apr 12 02:52 .install/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          33 Apr 12 00:53 .install_config ->
-r--r--r--   1 root     root         472 Apr 12 01:16 .slicemapfile
-r--r--r--   1 root     root          17 Mar  2 18:33 .volume.inf
-r--r--r--   1 root     root          19 Apr 12 01:58 .volume.inf.2
-r--r--r--   1 root     root          19 Apr 12 02:12 .volume.inf.3
-r--r--r--   1 root     root          19 Apr 12 02:52 .volume.inf.4
-r--r--r--   1 root     root        6851 Mar  2 18:33 Copyright
-r--r--r--   1 root     root      459760 Mar  2 18:33
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     root           8 Apr 12 02:50 Solaris_11/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root         257 Apr 12 02:52 installer

I then put in an entry in /etc/ethers and /etc/hosts and began the process :

Firstly .. am I running NFS here at all ?  No.

# svcs -x network/nfs/server
svc:/network/nfs/server:default (NFS server)
 State: disabled since Wed Apr 12 07:46:30 2006
Reason: Temporarily disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-1S
   See: nfsd(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

I check the /etc/dfs/dfstab and there is nothign there.  Good.

What is the status of my ZFS filesystem ?

# zfs get -o property,value,source all zfs_0
PROPERTY       VALUE                      SOURCE
type           filesystem                 -
creation       Tue Apr  4 17:06 2006      -
used           21.5G                      -
available      788G                       -
referenced     21.5G                      -
compressratio  1.10x                      -
mounted        yes                        -
quota          none                       default
reservation    none                       default
recordsize     128K                       default
mountpoint     /export/zfs_0              local
sharenfs       no                         local
checksum       on                         default
compression    on                         local
atime          on                         default
devices        on                         default
exec           on                         default
setuid         on                         default
readonly       off                        default
zoned          off                        default
snapdir        visible                    default
aclmode        groupmask                  default
aclinherit     secure                     default

Looks good too.

# pwd
# ./add_install_client isis sun4u
/export/zfs_0 is already shared.
However, the zfs file system /export/zfs_0 must be shared
read-only with root access.  Use the "zfs set" command to
set the sharenfs property for file system /export/zfs_0 as follows:
Use ro and either anon=0 or root=isis for /export/zfs_0.
This must be fixed and /export/zfs_0 shared
before isis can boot.
making /tftpboot
enabling network/nfs/server service
updating /etc/bootparams
copying boot file to /tftpboot/inetboot.SUN4U.Solaris_11-1

What the heck is that "/export/zfs_0 is already shared." ??
No its not.

So I setup the share manually in /etc/dfs/dfstab thus :

# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
"/etc/dfs/dfstab" 1 lines, 97 characters
share -F nfs -o ro=isis,root=isis -d "jumpstart"

# svcadm enable network/nfs/server

Then my system can finally boot via "boot net"

Executing last command: boot net -s
and args: -s
SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_35 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

When I get this stripped to the ground .. I'll post the results.

Oh .. this is a 360MHz Netra with 320 MB RAM.  I am going to strip that down
too and toss in 4GB disks.  Maybe even 2GB disks.

Dennis Clarke

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