> perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects. This
> project was okayed only by Sun employees, I didn't notice anyone
> outside of Sun giving an okay on this project, and at least one of the
> one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
> it, "(a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),"
> Perhaps persons with a vested interest in a project should recuse
> themselfs from the approval proccess.

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but if nobody with "a vested interest" okayed
things, nothing would ever get okayed. You quite obviously have a vested
interest in this topic (or at least appear to have one..) Does that make
your input/"okay"/"yes"/"no" not worthwhile?

> I feel something as important as an OpenSource instalation standards
> needs broarder support than just a couple members of the project
> approving it. It will be too easy for this project to create a
> standard that doesn't meet the current needs of the community, that
> appears to have chosen sunfreeware and blastwave as standards
> allready.

I think starting a project/community to discuss this kind of collaboration
as asked for by Dennis and so forth isn't creating a standard dictated by
Sun. It's just a discussion forum.. Time will tell how standards come out
of it, from the looks of things they will come when everybody involved
comes to a general consensus. That's how things should happen, anyways. I
don't agree with having packages only built one way, with no recourse in
changing options. Currently, that's where I'm stuck with blastwave. I
understand this is changing, but this kind of discussion would be better
served by a forum *for* this kind of discussion, instead of on a general
discussion list.

> this particular project seems to need more than a project offers, it
> really needs to be a community to support the numerous packages that
> this encompasses.

So starting a project/community/whatever you want to call it in order to
plan and lay out the future direction of this particular facet of
OpenSolaris is bad? I don't understand your logic. It would seem to me
this would benefit all of those involved, Dennis and so forth included. I
don't see this as some kind of draconian Sun-run group that doesn't allow
anybody any freedom, and whatever they say goes. It looks like a simple
attempt to create a *place* to discuss these topics and come to agreement
on what the future plan should be. If that's using Blastwave, so be it. If
it's taking Blastwave and morphing it into something else, so be it. It
sounds like Dennis is open to anything as long as we move *forward*.
> it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
> together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.

Isn't that the idea of this?

> yes its planned, a subversion repository is being setup and will be
> ready for code to be added to it shortly.

Cool, Dennis went into more detail on this in an earlier post. It sounds
great, and it's a necessary step in order to progress.
> James Dickens
> uadmin.blogspot.com

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