Bart Smaalders wrote:
I'm both a user of blastwave and another Sun engineer
cycle-stealing on this project.  From my point of view,
what I'd like to see happen with a community software
distribution for Solaris Nevada is:

1) large scale participation of OpenSolaris developers/users.
2) automatic installation of required software dependencies
3) compilation on recent enough Solaris version that modern
   features can be enabled.  Eg mplayer can use XVideo, SSE,
   SMF, etc; where appropriate, amd64 bit versions, etc.
4) No duplication/replacement of libraries already
   present in the target Solaris release.

It's poor form, I suppose, to follow up on my own comments,
but during today's discussion it became clear to me that
there's likely another requirement for a successful community
software distribution:

  5) Builds need to to be reproducible in all dimensions,
     including time (two builds of the same software at
     different times produces the same results), machines
     (there's a defined way of configuring build machines
     such that it is possible for two individuals to follow
     defined steps to configure two different machines that
     produce the same results) and space (it is possible for
     people anywhere (eg outside of sun, at blastwave, at
     sunfreeware, at my house) to download the software,
     build instructions and produce the same bits.

<I've set the reply-to to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
where this portion of the discussion belongs>

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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