On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, James Dickens wrote:

> On 4/12/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Bill Rushmore writes:
> > > I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.
> >
> > I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be
> > vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
> > for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of
> > a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
> > out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
> > been done here and heard loud and clear.
> >
> perhaps project approval is just too easy for Sun's pet projects. This
> project was okayed only by Sun employees, I didn't notice anyone
> outside of Sun giving an okay on this project, and at least one of the
> one of the two people that okayed the project had a vested interest in
> it, "(a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time),"

If you, or anyone else, sees flaw(s) in the OpenSolaris project or
community request/creation process, or *any* other process, then please
address it on cab-discuss.  Don't punish and victimize the next
person/group/organization that proposes a new project.  If the *process* is
flawed, correct the process.  As my flight instructor would say "work the
problem" ... "work-the-problem".

> Perhaps persons with a vested interest in a project should recuse
> themselfs from the approval proccess.

Again - if its an "approval proccess" issue and you, or anyone else, feels
that it needs to be addressed, bring it up on cab-discuss and "encourage"
the CAB/OGB to work it.  And continue to work the problem until you feel
that it is resolved to your satisfaction.

Problems with any OpenSolaris process should not manifest themselves when
someone (anyone) proposes a new project or community.  And I'll tell you
right now, I won't/don't support or condone any form of favoritism based on
anyones' email domain name or employer.  We can't possibly have a workable
community if there is any form of favoritism or preferential treatment.

As an aside, if I live at logical-approach.com and discuss my desire to
form an OpenSolaris project with my colleagues and co-workers and we reach
consensus ... it's pretty obvious that if I were to propose a new
OpenSolaris project, my colleauges would probably second and third the
project creation request.  That seems pretty natural to me....

> I feel something as important as an OpenSource instalation standards
> needs broarder support than just a couple members of the project
> approving it. It will be too easy for this project to create a
> standard that doesn't meet the current needs of the community, that
> appears to have chosen sunfreeware and blastwave as standards
> allready.

Addressed above.

> > Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
> > ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
> > driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
> > unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.
> >
> this particular project seems to need more than a project offers, it
> really needs to be a community to support the numerous packages that
> this encompasses.

Keith already proposed a Community and did'nt receive any CAB votes.  Why?
Because there are already too many communities.  And I'm delighted to see
Keith recover from this "rejection" and come back with a project creation

> > (Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)
> >
> > To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been
> > doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
> > each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
> > reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
> > requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
> > of technical goals is possible.
> >
> it would of been better to engnlist parties that are involved to work
> together on this task, so that you would have broarder support.
> > All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
> > can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
> > own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?
> yes its planned, a subversion repository is being setup and will be
> ready for code to be added to it shortly.
> James Dickens
> uadmin.blogspot.com
> >
> > liane
> > (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)
> > --
> > Liane Praza, Solaris Kernel Development
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blogs.sun.com/lianep

Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
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