On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Bill Rushmore writes:
> > I see no reason why the community needs yet another project.
> I hope we're not heading down a path where project creation can be
> vetoed.  The Project support on opensolaris.org should be available
> for all ideas -- good, bad, and even duplicate ones.  The existence of
> a project doesn't dictate acceptance, and it is reasonable to point
> out areas of overlap or foreseeable issues to new projects.  That's
> been done here and heard loud and clear.


> Still, a project is simply a place to discuss and maybe even prototype
> ideas in an open manner.  If there isn't such a place, people will be
> driven to other venues than opensolaris.org to collaborate on as-yet
> unproven ideas.  That seems like an unfortunate outcome worth avoiding.


> (Communities, of course, have stricter non-duplication rules.)
> To me, the initial goal of the Companion project is to get what Sun's been
> doing for years out in the open.  That way we can all discuss the goals of
> each freeware-distribution mechansim objectively and see if they can be
> reconciled in such a way that a single source base can meet the
> requirements of the many constituents.  I sincerely hope such reconciliation
> of technical goals is possible.


> All of that said, I'd still love to understand how it is that someone
> can grab the source for all of blastwave and rebuild it on their
> own machine.  Is that possible?  Planned?
> liane
> (a volunteer on the SFW-Cteam in my copious free time)

Alert!  Alert!  Massive outbreak of sarcasm detected!  Possibly a 9 on the
Reichter Scale.  Seek immediate shelter.  Alert!  Alert!  :)


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
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