On 4/14/06, Bill Sommerfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 07:41, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> > But some measures, as I am sure you will agree, need to be
> > enforced to ensure safety and quality.
> Right, but what should those measures be?  Is it better to focus on
> people, or on code?
> The Solaris development process more or less rejects the notion of
> trusted developers.
> I expect everything I do to be questioned, and if I can't adequately
> explain and defend my proposed changes, I'm not ready to integrate.
> Everything we do is (or at least should be) subject to peer and expert
> review.  No change ends up in OS/Net without being reviewed by at least
> 2 other people, and sometimes far more than that.
> We emphasize control over *what* goes in, not *who* makes the change.

That would work for source code, but would it for machine code?  How
could one peer review a binary package for anything other than "does
what it says"?  Going with the example Dennis gave earlier, if someone
introduced a back door into something, say, MySQL, it could prove
difficult to pick up with any amount of review.

Eric Enright
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