I believe it adds a barrier to entry for those willin gto participate
and not knowing where to look.  It seems as if a lot of high technical,
interesting, content may be hidden under the muskoka cloak.

A name is just a name; we could change it to something less hidden like techlib. There are so many projects with codenames already, are we just fighting the tide?

Getting back to the topic of this thread, I'll throw a random suggestion out there: tech-discuss.

So is the intention of this mailing list to be:

        - all things technical, where no other project/community is appropriate.

Yes. In addition this would be a good place to raise issues which cross community boundaries, and to post RFCs (requests for comment outside of the project's hosting community or communities).

"tech" just seems to generic; somewhere I am picking up vibes that JDS and 
may not be the intended audience.

If I wanted to be exclusive I would have just gone for the kernel mailing list since I'm a kernel guy. :)

- Eric
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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