"However the "ignorant masses" rarely read them.  The ignorant masses are".... 
<cut cut chop tear etc>

.... not on this mailing list. No more so than they are reading those blogs. I 
believe the idea is to educate the "non-ignorant", and leave it up to them to 
educate the "ignorant". Actually, I suspect they don't even care about 
educating the "ignorant masses" as you put it, as long as somebody in their 
organizations is putting money into Sun. ;) Asking people to use the resources 
provided to them doesn't seem to be asking too much, to me.

That being said, I don' t think it's up to you (nor I) to claim anything about 
"ignorant masses." Broad generalizations that are relatively insulting have no 
business in a community discussion.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 6:20 am
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] [Fwd: OpenSolaris attacked by Novell]

> > Gentlefolk, y'all have blogs for a reason :)
> >
>  However the "ignorant masses" rarely read them.  The ignorant 
> masses are
> led by the nose by what they read in eWeek and ComputerWorld 
> Magazine. 
> Written by press people that often have no clue what ZFS is or what 
> a Zone
> is.  It will take a great deal more work to get the message across 
> thatopen source is not Linux only.
> -- 
> Dennis Clarke
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> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
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