Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 22 April 2006 09:06 am, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> > > With that said, I'll post to my blog about this "controversary article"
> > > in the next day or two.
> >
> > I for one, love your blog.  I will watch for that !
> Provided as feedback to them down under as well.

Some feedback:

-       You are true: Free/Open Software was well known before
        Richaed Stallman did start the GNU project.

-       But The GPL requires to publish scripts for the compilation
        (see GPL §3) in case you publish binaries. However it is
        unclear whether this includes Makefiles. But note that
        this only seem to apply for people who publish binaries 
        created from GPLd software

-       And unfortunately, the CDDL does not have such a clause.

I would like to see a solution for this deficit of the CDDL.


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