> On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 12:20 -0400, Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>   However the "ignorant masses" rarely read them.  The ignorant masses
>> are
>> led by the nose by what they read in eWeek and ComputerWorld
>> Magazine.
> perhaps.
> but step 1 for the ignorant (and the educated, for that matter) is
> usually Google. given zawodny's contention that blog is merely an
> acronym for better listings on Google, i wouldn't undersell their
> importance.

 I think that I missed the point or at least the message.

The blog is the greatest thing to happen to the open source world since ..
well I can not think of anything that compares in terms of open
communication.  Perhaps the list server?

Regardless, I was on the phone for well over an hour with two businee people
yeasterday.  One was a CEO and the other an IT Director and they had "no
concept" at all what a blog was.  They had no idea what a list server was. 
They had never seen Linux not Solaris.  Sorry, not so, the IT Director had
"seen" Linux but never seen Solaris despite having racks of Sun hardware and
racks of IBM and Dell hardware.  They were completely oblivious to a world
that I took for granted.

They were typical decision makers in medium sized business I fear.

How do we reach them?  Or do we work continually until we reach them via a
slow creeping growth?

I don't know.  I really don't.  I fear that classic marketing and tech
magazines are still their source of information and yet we see blatant lack
of vision in those.

I had to listen to the classic "we need to rid our selves of this expensive
proprietary stuff" rhetoric again.  I had to show them the link to the T2000
and the Galaxy gear and one of them ( the CEO ) asked if he could run his
Solaris apps on the Opteron gear.  He had no idea about "recompile" or code
portability from architecture to architecture.

Its very very frustrating.


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