Philip Brown wrote:
On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 01:57:42PM -0400, Dave Miner wrote:
Eric Boutilier wrote:
I'm not sure Nexenta's implementation is the way to go though. It seems to me that Phil's pkg-get -- being designed around Sun's implementation of the SVr4 packaging standard -- seems like the better candidate, or maybe something new based on the patch software (that is currently used for updating Solaris)...

We'd welcome discussion and work on any of these alternatives over in the Install and Packaging community. Well, perhaps not the patch alternative, at least not at this time - the patch technology is just sooo fragile...

Solaris patching isnt particularly bad. [It has its faults, but its been
in use for over a decade now] Debian's, from what I here, is the
"fragile" one.

Not being a Debian user, I won't try to compare. I guess your experience with Solaris patches is more from the user end, whereas I'm looking at it from the creator/maintainer end; let's just say that there are a lot of resources expended to make sure that your user experience is acceptable. It isn't so pretty from this side. Much of the functionality is provided through horrendous overloading of some elements of packages, and it ends up being remarkably difficult to get it right.

It's too bad that pkg-get doesnt support downloading updates via
 patches though... sigh... it's not really something that blastwave
 needs, so it's not a priority for me. But if someone at Sun were to
 approach me, and suggest, "hey, we'd like to use pkg-get to handle patches
 as well, what do you think of this high-level approach.....?",
 I would be more than willing to consider it.

We're only beginning the conversation about how to evolve patching into something we can live with for the long term, so that topic may yet come up.

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